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Manage your online identity... The Internet is forever

Now I want to talk about how important it is to manage your online identity. 

This is something that a lot of people, I think underestimate in today's day and age. But it just becomes increasingly important to understand what your presence looks like online. 

Nowadays, every hiring...

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Like a Mechanic, Word-of-Mouth is Key to Success

How do people go about looking for a mechanic? 

Let's say you're brand new in town. You don't know anybody and you have European sports car that needs a very competent, skilled mechanic who specializes in European sports cars.

You have a couple options. You could get online and let's say you...

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Dig your well BEFORE you're thirsty... Your job is going away

Your Job is Going Away

Whether or not you are job hunting right now, there's a very high likelihood that you're going to be. Statistics show that only 1 in 10,000 people, or less, are going to remain in the same job they're in now for the rest of their life.

So what does that mean? That...

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